About Her
About Vivien Jean Rosen
Vivien Jean Rosen was born on February 22, 1987 and passed from this earth on September 1, 1990 after fighting the good fight against an insidious brain tumor diagnosed early in 1989. Always cheerful, always hopeful and semingly mindful of the pain in her parents hearts, Vivien Jean to this day reminds all of us that knew her what it means to be strong yet sensitive, courageous yet kind and above all spiritual to the very end.
Vivien’s spirit lives on. In tribute to this spirit and all her beautiful attributes we have formed Garden Vivien – a boutique specialty floral design and event company. The goal of our floral design staff lead by Michelle Jin is to captured this spirit, indeed the very essence of Vivien’s life. Hopefully you recognize this in the gift you have received today and are moved to reciprocate thereby sharing Vivien with other friends and loved ones.
It may interest you to know that the company has allied itself with the very fine work of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Children’s National Hospital. On your behalf we have pledged a percentage of the proceeds of your order to their effort in finding a cure to childhood brain tumors.
Ken Rosen, FatherAbout Garden Vivien
Garden Vivien is a premier online boutique for luxury floral design in the Washington metropolitan area. Our contemporary arrangements are instantly recognizable by their elegant signature wrapping and unique style: an Asian European fusion cultivated, with love, by our diverse artisans. Spreading thoughtfulness and beauty with every local delivery.